Friday, April 2, 2010

What Caught My Eye Today

Anti-Government - The FBI is warning police across the country that an anti-government group's call to remove governors from office could provoke violence. The group called the Guardians of the free Republics wants to "restore America" by peacefully dismantling parts of the government. More than 30 governors had received letters saying if they don't leave office within three days they will be removed. The FBI associated the letter with "sovereign citizens," most of whom believe they are free from all duties of a U.S. citizen, like paying taxes or needing a government license to drive. Let me begin by saying I am all for freedom of speech and all other freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. That being said, I'm confused by what it is that these "sovereign citizens" are trying to accomplish. Think about it. Where else but the United States would these nut jobs be granted freedom to pull idiotic stunts like this? Here's a thought...if you don't like the way we run things here, go someplace else.

New Moore Island - Perhaps a more fitting name might be "No More" Island. For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island's gone. New Moore Island in the Sunderbans has been completely submerged. Until 2000, the sea levels rose about a tenth of an inch a year, but over the last decade they have been rising about two-tenth of an inch annually. That doesn't seem like all that much does it? Another nearby island, Lohachara, was submerged in 1996 and at least 10 other islands in the area are still at risk. India and Bangladesh both claimed the empty New Moore Island, which is about 2 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. Bangladesh referred to the island as South Talpatti. There were no permanent structures on New Moore, but India sent some paramilitary soldiers to its rocky shores in 1981 to hoist its national flag. You have to hand it to Mother Nature. Our so-called evolved species spends 30 years arguing over what basically amounts to a really big sand bar and accomplishes nothing. Meanwhile, that old bird--probably tired of listening to all the petty bickering--quietly goes about her business and removes the bone of contention...literally. You go, girl.

Netherlands - A Dutch political party formed by admitted pedophiles has disbanded, after failing to attract enough support to get on the national ballot. Imagine that. It was the second election in a row in which the Party for Brotherly Love, Freedom, and Diversity had failed to gather the necessary 600 signatures. Putting aside for the moment the irony of the name of this party, get this. These dudes are serious enough about their ambitions that they even put together a party platform. Want to venture a guess as to which social issues they target? The party's platform calls for lowering the age of sexual consent to 12 and legalizing child pornography. I'm all for democracy and freedom of speech, but you have to draw a moral line as some point. This is just plain wrong.

Georgia - Had this happened yesterday, it might have been funny (what with it being April 1 and all). Alas, it did not, so one can only assume that the rocket scientist who dreamt up this stunt didn't think this all the way through. Panic broke out in the nation of Georgia last week when a TV station reported that President Mikheil Saakashvili had been assassinated and that Russian tanks were rolling into the country. The television station said its broadcast, coming just 18 months after the real war between Russia and the former Soviet republic, was identified as "hypothetical" and was meant to persuade viewers that Russia is still a threat. Sort of reminds you of "War of the Worlds" doesn't it? Evidently most viewers missed the disclaimer. Now it sounds exactly like "War of the Worlds". People rushed into the streets, cell phone networks collapsed from overuse, and dozens were hospitalized for anxiety and heart attacks. One would hope that those in positions to impact the lives of some many, would have a sense of responsibility--and dare I say, a conscience--that would restrain them from "crying fire in the middle of a crowded theater". Clearly that is not the case here.

Humor - Pay attention now. If you don't you might miss the punchline. A group of 40-year old buddies discuss where to meet for dinner. They agree on a particular restaurant because the waitresses have low-cut blouses and nice breasts. Ten years later, they gather again to decide on a place to meet. They agree on that same restaurant because the food is good and the wine selection is fantastic. Ten years later, at 60, the group yet again chooses the same restaurant because it is quiet. Ten years later, at 70, they choose the same restaurant because it has wheelchair access. Ten years later, at 80, the group picks that restaurant because none of them have ever been there.

Happy Easter, everyone.

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