Sunday, September 7, 2008

What Caught My Eye Today

Armenia - Turkey's president visited Armenia for the first time in the two nations' history. The Turkish president was in Armenia to attend a World Cup soccer qualifier between the two nations. The trip was widely seen as a symbolic gesture to normalize relations between the countries. The two nations have deeply held disagreements about what is widely referred to as the Armenian genocide, in which more than 1 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman army in the early 1900s. Many Western countries support the genocide designation, but the official narrative in Turkey is that both Turks and Armenians were killed in warfare as the Ottoman Empire dissolved. Not exactly a denial by the Turks, but still I'm all for anything that moves two nations toward peaceful relations. Lets just hope that they don't pay much attention to the diplomatic posturing of Russia and its Western counterparts, neither of which have much interest in placating the other.

Supreme Court - Admittedly a lot of things need to go right for this judge to make it onto the Supreme, but the fact that this judge is Hispanic, a woman, and palatable to Democrats and Republicans alike make her rather noteworthy. If Barack Obama becomes President, his first nominee to the Supreme Court will likely be Sonia Sotomayer. As a Hispanic woman with 16 years of court experience, she would slay two of the court's lack-of-diversity birds with one stone. I'm sure her judicial experience may also factor into the decision. Here's a bit of a surprise. Even Laura Bush was disappointed that her husband didn't name a woman to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. Maybe she should have sucked up to Dick Cheney a bit more. Sotomayer sits on a federal bench known for its centrism that should garner a two-thirds majority in the Senate to secure her nomination. Her rulings have shown a suspicion of bloated government and corporate power. She's offered a reinterpretation of copyright law, ruled in favor of public access to private information, and in her most famous decision, sided with labor in the Major League Baseball strike of 1995. For my money, the fact that this broad isn't pushing 100 like most of the justices on the Supreme Court, is enough to sell me on her.

2008 Presidential Race - Here's some amusing analysis on the folks who will actually decide who moves into the White House in January. A web tracking company conducted a survey of visitors to the campaign web sites for Barack Obama and John McCain. Here are some of the findings (along with my preferences):

Obama: Washington Post
McCain: USA Today
Fred: You're looking at it.
Obama: PBS Online
McCain: Food Network
Fred: Well, I don't watch any softcore adult programming, that's for sure.
Obama: Ikea
McCain: Bed Bath
Fred: Does going to Bev Mo to pick up a keg count?
McCain: eHarmony
Fred: Date night with the missus (assuming the drugs I have her on are still working)
Obama: Linkin Park
McCain: Jonas Brothers
Fred: Village People: Greatest Hits (all 2 of them)
Obama: DSW
Fred: Dude, if it doesn't smell it's on my back.
Obama: Boston Red Sox
McCain: New York Yankees
Fred: Screw baseball. Gimme college football any day of the week.
Employment - The folks at "Business Week" have released its annual list of best employers (click here). Here are the top ten:
  1. Ernst & Young - Accounting
    You may notice a bit of a trend here<
  2. Deloitte - Accounting
    That's two.
  3. PricewaterhouseCoopers - Accounting
    And there's your hat trick. That's a lot of accountants. Well actually, I'm thinking consultants.
  4. Goldman Sachs - Investment Banking
    Well sure. You need someone to provide financial advice for all those well paid accountants.
  5. KPMG - Accounting
    More consultants...I mean, accountants.
  6. Marriott International - Hospitality
    Again, not a big surprise. Accountants need vacations just like the rest of us, right?
  7. Google - Internet
    Sure, if becoming a millionaire off employee stock options is your idea of a good job.
  8. Lockheed Martin - Manufacturing
    Don't these guys build things like missiles and other stuff that blows up? Yeah I could do that.
  9. IBM - Technology
    For those who cannot get hired at Google.
  10. J.P. Morgan - Investment Banking
    For those whose portfolios got butchered at Goldman Sachs.

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